Emergency Lights

A functioning emergency light is required to comply with state building and fire codes, insurance standards, and even OSHA requirements. The Exit Light Company offers cost-effective, energy efficient emergency lighting to meet a variety of applications including: remote capable and wet location uses, as well as high end architectural and recessed installation.

Our newest series of LED emergency lights use ultra bright, energy-efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). This configuration allows for low-voltage operation eliminating the need for a bulky sealed lead acid battery. Instead, units include maintenance-free NiCad, NiMH or Lithium batteries, making them much lighter and easier to install.

Your place of work may be prepared for the next power failure. Is your home? Battery Powered Home Lights help brighten your home during power failure.

What is an Emergency Light?

An Emergency Light is a light fixture that illuminates key safety areas and a path of egress when a building experiences power loss. In order to achieve this goal, they require an alternate source of power. The vast majority of emergency lighting fixtures use an incorporated backup battery, but standard lighting fixtures can serve this purpose as well when paired up with an emergency generator or inverter system.

The Exit Light Co. - Oval LED Emergency Light | Compact Size | 200lm Output | Battery Backup